How do your packages look like when they arrive at your customer? Can their appearance have an impact on your customer's experience?
By Mikaela Berglund
Did you know that the looks of your package once it arrives at the customer can have a huge impact on the entire customer experience? So with that, we want to say – spend a little extra time on packaging.
It can be quite difficult to know where to start, but we have gathered some words of guidance below that may help you along the way. You don’t have to go all-in from the start, try out different things and then see what works best for you.
Plastic bags may work on e.g. clothes, but if your customer cares about the environment & sustainability, there is a risk that s/he will not appreciate if the package is in a plastic bag. If, on the other hand, your customer orders several products at the same time and wants to be able to take their package home in a smooth way, it can be good to have a nice plastic bag that has a handle – again, it is important that you know your customers.
Avoid having large packages, especially heavy square packages, as this will only cause a lot of inconvenience to your customer when s/he has to pick up his/her package. If it is not possible to have small packages, make them as good-looking as you can so that the customer will want to keep them. If you e.g. sell shoes, design as nice a cardboard box that the customer might want to save as a decoration that they can place their shoes on top of as a nice decoration in the hallway/closet. Alternatively, create a strong and durable carton box that the customer can reuse as e.g. a moving box.